The pages listed below will help describe categories of books which I have used in genealogical research or have carried in stock over the years. The examples of the genealogy related books discussed below will pretrain to mostly Illinois but the information often will be relevant to books from other states. Often a picture is worth a thousand words so besides the description of a book there should be a link to a pdf file which contains extracted pages from the book. This will allow the viewer to actually see what type of information a book contains.

You may wonder if a particular type of book has been published for a region which you are interested. The best way to ascertain this information is through the use of a library. Two online sites which can help start your search:

Library of Congress

World Cat is an online catalog which itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories.

You may also want to consider checking the corresponding state historical library. Often state libraries try to obtain as many sources related to their state as possible. A simple web search should turn up the proper web address. For example the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (the former Illinois Historical Library) can be found at

Another possible avenue of research is through the use of bibliographies.

After determining the existence of a book you have several options in obtaining a copy.

Church Publications
County Histories
Military Books